Delaware Care Planning CouncilDelaware Care Planning Council
Delaware Geriatric Health Services

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Delaware Geriatric Health Services

We are currently populating this list with elder care services and providers who can help families deal with the crisis and burden of long term care. Although this list is temporarily unavailable, we may still be able to help with any concerns you have. Please contact the Delaware Care Planning Council by filling out the form below.

Delaware Geriatric Health Services

For the convenience of the public, the DeCPC has listed the providers above to show what services may be available in Delaware. We cannot verify the business practice nor the background of these providers. As a result, we do not provide their contact information. If you wish to contact a member of our council regarding any of the services listed above, please fill out the form below and a council member will contact you. Please be aware that your information may be shared with other members of the council who might be able to help you as well. Read Our Disclaimer.

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Book: How to Deal with 21 Critical Issues Facing Aging Seniors

    How to Deal with 21 Critical Issues Facing Aging SeniorsAging seniors and their families are often confounded by the complexity of issues facing the elderly. This book takes a comprehensive approach to address these challenges and provide solutions.

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About Geriatric Health Care

    There is currently little incentive to encourage established doctors or students in Delaware medical schools to specialize in geriatric medicine. Even though it is a recognized specialty, according to the American Geriatrics Society, there are only about 10,000 M.D. Geriatricians and several hundred osteopathic physicians (DO) certified in geriatrics, as well as some 3,000 board-certified geropsychiatrists in the United States (a geropsychiatrists is a psychiatrist trained to deal with the mental health needs and specific syndromes faced by older adults).

    According to the statistical abstract of the United States there are approximately 800,000 practicing doctors of medicine in the United States . This means there is roughly 1 doctor, including specialists, for every 395 persons in the United States. Based on the numbers above there is only about 1 Geriatrician for every 3,500 elderly persons in this country. Because there are so few of them, it may be impossible to find a physician specializing in geriatric care in some areas of the country.

    There are probably many more family physicians or internists who specialize in treating older people and from experience they have probably learned many of the issues associated with treating the elderly, but many of these practitioners could probably benefit from more specialized geriatric training if it were available.

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