Delaware Care Planning CouncilDelaware Care Planning Council
Delaware Funeral Pre-Planning and Funeral Trust Services

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Delaware Funeral / Burial Pre-Planning and Funeral Trust Services

We are currently populating this list with elder care services and providers who can help families deal with the crisis and burden of long term care. Although this list is temporarily unavailable, we may still be able to help with any concerns you have. Please contact the Delaware Care Planning Council by filling out the form below.

Contact a Funeral Pre-Planner or Funeral Trust Service

For the convenience of the public, the DeCPC has listed the providers above to show what services may be available in Delaware. We cannot verify the business practice nor the background of these providers. As a result, we do not provide their contact information. If you wish to contact a member of our council regarding any of the services listed above, please fill out the form below and a council member will contact you. Please be aware that your information may be shared with other members of the council who might be able to help you as well. Read Our Disclaimer.

Please do not submit financial, legal, or sensitive medical information to us.
We respect your privacy. Your information will not be given / sold to any other entity.

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Book: How to Deal with 21 Critical Issues Facing Aging Seniors

    How to Deal with 21 Critical Issues Facing Aging SeniorsAging seniors and their families are often confounded by the complexity of issues facing the elderly. This book takes a comprehensive approach to address these challenges and provide solutions.

    Learn more | Purchase | Other books for seniors

About Funeral Pre-Planning and Funeral Trusts

    One way to plan a funeral in advance is to sign a formal contract called a "preneed funeral plan", where money is held in a trust, in an escrow account or paid through an insurance policy. Parts of or all of the funeral service and burial are designed in advance and prefunded in advance.

    This type of planning has become very popular in recent years. A survey conducted by the AARP in 1999, found that two out of five people over age 50 had been approached to pre-purchase funerals and burial goods and services. An AARP survey in 1998 indicates that 32% of all Americans over age 50, roughly 21 million people, have prepaid some or all of their funeral and or burial expenses (but not necessarily through a formal preneed plan).

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